Questions About Our Partner Program?

How can I help my clients get started if I do not offer software training services?

If you’re a CAP or Reseller who recommends CosmoLex to your clients but your company does not offer CosmoLex training at this time, you can help your clients get started by scheduling a product demo or onboarding classes for them. Contact your Channel Partner Manager with a specific date and time request, and we will do our best to schedule an appointment for your client. You can also recommend your clients to join any of our regular scheduled classes at: Daily Training Courses

When do my clients qualify as referrals?

Qualified referral customers are (a) an accredited and practicing lawyer or law firm, (b) not an existing paying or trial customer of CosmoLex software, (c) not in active touch with CosmoLex’s inside sales team, and (d) not referred by CosmoLex to a partner for additional services. If you have any questions as to whether a current client will qualify as a referral customer, please feel free to contact us. When registering a client, your Channel Partner Manager will reach out to you to confirm the current status of your client and address any questions or issues.

When do I receive a commission on clients that I have referred?

All earned commission payments will be paid on a quarterly basis for qualifying partners with a signed partnership agreement.

After I register a referral customer, how long does that lead remain with my company?

After a partner registers a client as a referral customer, that lead remains registered to the consultant name for 180 days. During that time, the lead (your client) will not be contacted directly by CosmoLex.

How does my company get listed on the CosmoLex website?

After you have completed the certification process and signed the partnership agreement, there are a few steps that must be completed in order to have your company listed on the CosmoLex website.

  1. Complete the CosmoLex Partner Information Form.
  2. List CosmoLex as a recommended or preferred solution on your company’s website.
  3. Maintain two active CosmoLex clients.

My company information on the CosmoLex landing page is incorrect or out-of-date.

To update the information on the CosmoLex partner directory or your company’s dedicated CosmoLex landing page, please take a few moments to complete the CosmoLex Partner Information Form. You will be notified when we receive your updated information, and when your landing page or listing is updated.

What other ways can my company work with CosmoLex?

We are dedicated to strengthening our relationship with all of our partners. We offer our partners many opportunities to increase their visibility and highlight their professional knowledge and services. If you would like to present alongside CosmoLex during webinars, educational events, or tradeshows, please contact us! Have an idea for a presentation or new event? Please share industry events with us.

Still Have Questions?

We want to hear from you. Contact us for more information on our CosmoLex partner programs.
Call (866) 878-6798 or send an email to:

Not a partner yet? Visit our Become A Partner page or contact us today to discuss the ways that we can work together.